Posts Tagged ‘misdiagnosis’

Not sure whether the Jodi Arias trial will bring even more negativity into the lives of people diagnosed with BPD (for those that didn’t follow the sensationalized 4 month trial that is STILL going on as if 5/8/2013 – shes been convicted and is now awaiting the penalty phase, the prosecution used an expert witness to ascribe BPD attributes to Jodi’s murderous, stalking ways. Sigh – just what the mental health community needs)
This reblog I found on the Healthworks Collective blog was a true bright spot. I didn’t know that there was a month dedicated to BPD. However, I was still quite surprised to find patent negativities being published in scientific journals as recently as 2012.
Gads, people…do some research about this and dispel the tales of horror.
Just don’t make Jodi Arias your spokesmodel.

Thank you. Rhona Finkel, for reblogging this on Healthworks so I can reblog it on my blog….

So funny but so true.
The more time we get into this ACA mess, the less time we will have with our doctors. Federal mandates are reducing the $$ docs get paid to see their new batches of welfare patients. Thus, offices, like my PCP’s office, overbooks (their words, not mine). Also, just try getting into see a specialist! Talk about a JOKE…I am having chest pain, difficulty breathing, sky-high blood pressure and tachycardia, followed by periods of low blood pressure and bradycardia. And guess when I can get in to see a cardiologist…THREE MONTHS. See what happens with  THIS insanity…

This is what will happen…except by the time I get to see the doctor, I’ll be dead. The only doc i’ll be seeing is a pathologist.

Many people don’t like my blogs – you will never see me nominated for an award because I am not full of the bogus sunshine and rainbows and coping platitudes. Coping? That is NOT a life. I watched my mother deteriorate for 9 years after a stroke left her in a wheelchair. She wanted to depart this world, and tried as many times as a hemiplegic woman with dementia could do. She didn’t thrive – she suffered. Her love was a joyless hell. Here’s how I feel about the “coping” claptrap: